Akaiva - School of Magic Arts


Rartaria, the class for Akairavess with normal magical abilities:

  • This class is known for its self-confidence and strength.


Noricta, the class for Akairavess with rare magical abilities:

  • This class is known for its loyalty and strong team spirit.


Legartia, the class for Akairavess with legendary magical abilities:

  • This class is known for their knowledge and helpfulness.

On the continent Aine Og, not far from the capital Benzai, lies Akaiva, the School of Magic Arts. Akairavesses of all ages can attend this school to learn how to use and control their magical abilities. The school attendance is voluntary, but almost every young Akairavess is a student at this school. After successfully completing the school, you can join a clan of your choice.

General information:

  • There is an extra wing for every single class. Within the week the Akairavess sleep there. Many are returning Home at the weekend. There is no obligation to live there, but it is more practical for many Akairavess.
  • Each teacher has his own classroom in which he teaches.
  • Some subjects are compulsory for certain Akairavess, others are offered as elective courses, which can be attended according to your mood. The free time can also be used to study for exams.
  • Upon successful completion of all compulsory quests, the Akairavess can take the final exam. After successful completion and a conversation with the gods, the Akairavess can then join a clan of their choice. Mostly, the gods even suggest suitable or preferred clans.
  • The school uniforms must be worn with every quest!

Required quests for completion

the School uniforms